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Spring Seed Sowing Week 2

Hello friends,

It was a busy week seed sowing for Spring. I like to sow a mix of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds each week, so no individual job is too big at any one time.

Vegetable Seed Sowing this week:

  • Pearl Drop Onions (for pickling)
  • Italian Long Keeper Onions
  • Pukekohe Long Keeper Onions
  • Long White Spring Onions
  • Santana Spinach
  • Space Saver F1 Cabbage
  • Summer Sprouting Purple Broccoli
  • Coastline Lettuce
  • Drunken Woman Fringed Lettuce
  • Rocket

Herb Seed Sowing this week:

  • Gigante Italian Parsley
  • Celery for Cutting
  • Soapwort

Flower Seed Sowing this week:

  • Alyssum Painters Palette
  • Alyssum Carpet of Snow
  • Pansy Imperial Antique Shads
  • Pansy Purple Lace
  • Viola Clear Colour Mix
  • Viola Frizzle Swizzle
  • Viola Imperial Antique Shades
  • Calendula Dwarf Colours Mixed
  • Calendula Nova (herbal variety)
  • Snapdragon Potomac Lavender
  • Statice Apricot
  • Night Scented Stock
  • Spring Sparkle Stock
  • Allium Purple Sensation
  • Allium Showy Persian Onion

I have super easy way of seed sowing annual flowers, a cheat way really. I have a lot of self seeded annual plants in my flower garden beds, and I keep an eye out in late winter to see when plants like calendula, pansies, and alyssum start germinating. Once I see that the ground is warm enough for that to happen, it's time to sow annual seeds.

I gather all my annual seeds, and start opening all the packets. Here is where the lazy part is, I dump all the seeds into one container. And once all the seeds are mixed in all together I go out into the garden and start sprinkling seeds around where I want my annual plants to grow. 

Within a couple of weeks all the annual seeds start germinating, and since I know what the seedlings all look like, I know not to weed them out of the ground. It may be lazy, but it saves me heaps of time in not having to sow each seed out by hand. I also like the wild, non structured feel of where the plants grow, as compared to all my other plants in the garden.

I have also just popped all my poppy seeds into the fridge to vernalise for two weeks. After that I will sow those seeds in a similar manner. I already have poppy plants that have self seeded into the garden as well, but I wanted to add even more coloured varieties this year.

How is your seed sowing going? With sunrise coming at least a minute earlier every single day, I can just feel the coming of Spring deep within my bones. The sky is no longer dark when I wake up in the morning, and I look forward to seeing the sun pop over the hills as I make breakfast each morning.

Have a wonderful day


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